The Gallant Horde

The Gallant Horde is a guild of adventurers who work for a mysterious patron known as the Lady Bellatrix. She sends them on quests to retrieve items, capture creatures, rescue allies and so forth.

We play every Saturday at 10am NZT on with a rotating cast of players/characters. Games are DMed by our very own Master of Games, Jax Goss.

Watch us on Twitch.

Much of the behind-the-scenes action takes place in our discord. All twitch subscribers get access to the Horde channels there, so even if you are not a member, you can keep up with the stories and relationships that are happening there by subbing to the channel.

Join our discord!


Sunday 6th August 2023: The Gallant Horde - Curse of the Otter’s Rest

Sunday 13th August 2023: The Gallant Horde - The Cherry Tree

Sunday 20th August 2023: The Gallant Horde - Gilahari’s Temple

Sunday 27th August 2023: The Gallant Horde - Arabella’s Barn

